Who Uses Our Services and Why?
3 min read
According to the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, today’s career coaching clients are Managers (46.9%), Executives (45.9%), Entrepreneurs (35.1%), Small Business Owners (30.1%), and Professionals (28.1%).
In 2018, there is an unmistakable trend toward the rising use of Career Coaches, primarily resulting from a job market that is increasingly difficult to navigate. Executives and top professionals have used career coaches for decades, but the fact that Manager-level jobseekers are now accounting for nearly half of all coaching clients, is a relatively new development.
Those fortunate jobseekers with direct access to a personal and professional network that can provide relevant job offers, productive referrals to decision-makers, and recommendations for job interviews, have always fared well. Candidates without these desirable resources are now finding the job search process daunting.
Part of the blame for today’s difficult job search terrain goes to the advent of digital media and job boards. These tools have literally flooded the inboxes of HR departments and set in motion a process that can be dehumanizing and frustrating. It is not uncommon for qualified candidates to apply for dozens, or even hundreds of positions, and rarely receive a response.
A brief review of the 10 most recent clients at our New Orleans-based Strategic Resumes & Career Coaching firm shows the following types of people accessing professional career services: 1) Post-Graduate Operations Manager with International Experience, 2) a highly successful Maritime Industry Business Owner, 3) an Executive Director & Federal Agency Liaison, 4) a Licensed Realtor & Community Manager, 5) an Agricultural Equipment & Supply Manager, 6) a Cybersecurity Program Director, 7) an Author & Property Manager, 8) a Robotics Specialist, 9) a Finance Branch Manager, and 10) a Healthcare Industry Executive.
According to a Harvard Business Review study, 48% of clients engage with a career coach to make a job transition, either to find a new position or win a promotion, with remaining respondents seeking to address “derailing behavior” or simply have a sounding board and partner during their career advancement process.
Quality career coaching isn’t cheap. Typical hourly rates for career coaching can get quite expensive, with 72% of career coaches charging more than $100 per hour, and 45% charging above $150 per hour. Not all career coaches have resume writing certifications, but most can at least review your resume for issues or concerns.
Whether you are currently employed and exploring options for a more financially and professionally rewarding position, or an underemployed or unemployed jobseeker, career coaching could be the critical element missing from your toolkit.
Grant Cooper was recipient of the national Career Directors International President’s Award (CDI National Conference, Orlando, FL).
Grant Cooper, founder of Strategic Resumes & Career Coaching, has appeared on CBS, ABC & FOX, published 300+ media and journal articles, taught seminars at industry conferences, and has served as a panel judge for national resume competitions for the past 7 years consecutively.
Grant has assisted the U.S. Air Force, Kinko’s, the Louisiana Dept. of Labor, the NFL, the NBA, as well as many universities, regional banks, hospitals, celebrities, nonprofits, government agencies, entrepreneurs, and corporations. Grant’s clients land competitive positions at Fortune 500 firms.
Contact: | 504-891-7222
Those fortunate jobseekers with direct access to a personal and professional network that can provide relevant job offers, productive referrals to decision-makers, and recommendations for job interviews, have always fared well. Candidates without these desirable resources are now finding the job search process daunting.
A brief review of the 10 most recent clients at our New Orleans-based Strategic Resumes & Career Coaching firm shows the following types of people accessing professional career services: 1) Post-Graduate Operations Manager with International Experience, 2) a highly successful Maritime Industry Business Owner, 3) an Executive Director & Federal Agency Liaison, 4) a Licensed Realtor & Community Manager, 5) an Agricultural Equipment & Supply Manager, 6) a Cybersecurity Program Director, 7) an Author & Property Manager, 8) a Robotics Specialist, 9) a Finance Branch Manager, and 10) a Healthcare Industry Executive.
Quality career coaching isn’t cheap. Typical hourly rates for career coaching can get quite expensive, with 72% of career coaches charging more than $100 per hour, and 45% charging above $150 per hour. Not all career coaches have resume writing certifications, but most can at least review your resume for issues or concerns.
Grant Cooper was recipient of the national Career Directors International President’s Award (CDI National Conference, Orlando, FL).
Grant Cooper, founder of Strategic Resumes & Career Coaching, has appeared on CBS, ABC & FOX, published 300+ media and journal articles, taught seminars at industry conferences, and has served as a panel judge for national resume competitions for the past 7 years consecutively.
Grant has assisted the U.S. Air Force, Kinko’s, the Louisiana Dept. of Labor, the NFL, the NBA, as well as many universities, regional banks, hospitals, celebrities, nonprofits, government agencies, entrepreneurs, and corporations. Grant’s clients land competitive positions at Fortune 500 firms.
Contact: | 504-891-7222